Dust2: Long to A Plat
Long to A PlatAdvantage: CT - 82%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Great spot to pick a T off and throw off their plant attempt. CT can also kill and get away to allow time for CTs to re-group. Doesn't matter if the CT has AWP or M4, the advantage is clear. CT Advantage:...
Dust2: B Doors to Mid
B Doors to MidAdvantage: CT - 88%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Great spot to play. Ts can rarely kill the CT holding this spot. Easily pick one T off right here and greatly increase your chance of holding B. CT Advantage: 88%.
Dust2: B Window
B WindowAdvantage: CT - 81%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Great way to cover mid. Get in this spot as soon as Ts start coming through Mid. And peaking the edge of the window is what you want to do. No need to expose yourself and try to pick Ts off as they come through...
Dust2: Mid Doors to XBOX and CAT
Mid Doors to XBOX and CATAdvantage: CT - 79%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)It's better to be patient than to push mid doors. Get yourself in the right spot and catch people rotating to A. Get in a superior spot to kill Ts going Cat and on Xbox. CT Advantage: 79%.
Dust2: Mid Doors
Mid DoorsAdvantage: T - 79%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Risky play. Pushing mid doors pre-plant is rarely beneficial. CT engaging in a fire-fight at the doors will almost always result in a T win. Don't try it. T Advantage: 79%.
Dust2: Smoked Long A
Long A: SmokedAdvantage: CT - 86%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Ts often smoke Long A which doesn't have to play to their advantage. Take a position at the edge of the smoke and hold off the Ts. CT Advantage: 86%.
Inferno: Coffins (FREE!)
CoffinsAdvantage: CT - 74%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Extremely versatile spot when defending B. Lock down the Ts trying to enter. Use smokes to your advantage here. Advantage goes to CT. 74% chance CT comes out on top.All hope is not lostIt is important to flash...
Inferno: Banana Nade (FREE!)
Banana NadeAverage Damage: 28 hpThrow it rightThis nade throw inflicts the most damage per throw for Ts holding Banana. Throwing it right will inflict 10hp more damage per player than other nades thrown in that area. Landing spot: x=245, y=1287Bottom line?The nades...
Inferno: Graveyard (FREE!)
GraveyardAdvantage: CT - 63%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Graveyard gives you superior control over A. You can watch Apartments, Short and Long A while having some cover. The advantage goes to CT in this spot. 63% chance you kill your opponent.All hope is not lostOf...