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Inferno: Apartment Exit
Apartment ExitAdvantage: CT - 62%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)CTs can play balcony, pit, or graveyard, making it tough for Ts to exit apartments without utility. Advantage to CTs: 62%.All hope is not lostHaving utility will help greatly to takeover B from...
Nuke: Main to Squeaky
Main to SqueakyAdvantage: CT - 80%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)This spot is advantageous whether you have an AWP or an M4. And with a favorable spawn location, you can get here early and gain the upper hand on a rush. CT Advantage: 80%We shall overcome!It is...
Nuke: Reactor
A Site Reactor Advantage: CT - 68%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)CTs have maneuverability at this spot. They can play Main, Squeaky exit, and Hut. Biggest advantage is over the Ts coming through Squeaky. CT will win 68% of the time. We shall overcome!There is a...
Nuke: Big Box
Big BoxAdvantage: CT - 64%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)This spot is great for CTs to get one kill and then retreat. Or you can get fancy and have a CT boosted on the boxes. CT Advantage: 64%All hope is not lostA flash is your best friend here. And only friend....
Inferno: Apartment Stairs
Apartment StairsAdvantage: CT - 70%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)Extremely strong spot for CTs to play. Playing this spot aggressively has huge benefits. Plus, apartments are rarely flashed. 70% chance CT comes out on top.All hope is not lostDifficult route for Ts to...
Mirage: Palace
PalaceAdvantage: CT - 86%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)CTs have a huge advantage playing Palace, specially with an AWP. CT Advantage: 86%All hope is not lostIt is important that Ts always take on this spot for a trade. Whether it is with two Ts in palace, through...
Mirage: Jungle
JungleAdvantage: CT - 81%Play the spot right (Pre-plant)CTs have a nice advantage playing from the corner of Jungle. As a T, you should try to smoke this area when trying to takeover A. CT Advantage: 81%
Mirage: A site
A site boxesAdvantage: T - 85%Play the spot rightExtremely weak CT position to play behind A site boxes and trying to take on Ramp or Palace. You are open from most sides and once Ts try to takeover A, there are too many openings making it impossible to cover all...